After this session you should be able to
- Discuss, in proper terms, measurements of computer memory.
- Discuss storage options available to you for your work in this class.
- Given a common task, discuss storage requirements for that task.
Memory and Storage
- Bits, Bytes, K, Meg, Gig ...
- The primary unit of storage in a computer is a bit.
- This stands for Binary digIT
- and is either a 0 or a 1.
- But we don't use this measure very often
- because it is too small.
- But combinations of bits add up quickly.
- Example naming students with a bit, or a bit pattern.
- A collection of 8 bits is a BYTE
- For most things, this is the basic unit of measurement.
- Memory, disk space, file sizes ...
- But it takes a bunch of bytes to do anything, so we group them as well
- K, M, G ,T
- Metric Prefixes.,
- Kilo - Greek for thousand, normally 103 or 1000
- For memory we use the term for 210 or 1024
- So 1 kilobyte, or 1KB is 1024 bytes, or 8x1024 bits
- Many Word documents, and excel spreadsheets are on the order of 10s to 100s of KB.
- The the label K has become a standard abbreviation for 1,000 in our world
- Mega - Greek for mighty, normally 10 6 or 1,000,000 (a million)
- When measuring memory, we use the term to refer to 220 or 1,048,576
- So 1 megabyte, or 1MB is 1,048,576 bytes 8x 1,048,576 bits.
- CDs can hold around 600 MB
- Most PowerPoint presentations are between 100s of KB to 10s of MB
- Pictures are in the 1MB to 10MB range.
- Giga - Greek for giant, normally 109 or 1,000,000,000
- When measuring memory, we use the term to refer to 230 or 1,073,741,824
- We measure disk space in gigabytes (GB)
- Most computers today have at least 4GB to 12GB of main memory
- Today most new computers have between 500GB + of
hard drive space.
- DVD disks can hold up 17GB
- USB drives are in the 8GB+ range
- Music players range from 4GB to 80GB
- And phones, and tablets, and ...
- Tera - Greek for monster.
- 1012 in SI units.
- 2 40 in binary.
- Terabyte hard drives have become standard.
- Four years ago, this was the last category discussed!
- Peta - Greek for five
- The prefix was adopted in 1975
- 1015 in SI units.
- 2 50 in binary.
- This unit is unfathomable to me
- one quadrillion = 1,000,000,000,000,000
- But wikipedia has the following fun facts
- Google processed 24 petabytes of data per day in 2009
- In 2011 an IBM computer had 120 PB of storage.
- Cray is building one with 500 PB of storage
- Avatar used over 1PB of storage for rendering
- It is estimated that Facebook had 357 PB of images as of Jan 2013
- It is estimated that the human brain's ability to store memories is equivalent to about 2.5 petabytes of binary data
- There are other measurements, (exa, zeta , yotta)
- They are in use now, and will drop to the pc world
in most of our life time.
- Here is a somewhat older, but interesting article about storage.
- Examples from Sunday's Paper.
- Media for class:
- If you plan to work exclusively on campus, you can use your
university disk space to store work for this class.
- You have 150MB of disk storage on the campus "S" drive.
- This is easily accessible from campus machines.
- There is some information available on accessing your "S" drive on the Tech and Comm Knowldegebase
- Log on to
- Select TechHelp
- Search for campus network storage
- Select either the on campus or off campus article.
- If you plan to work at home, you will need to store your work on
removable media.
- Your media choices
- USB drive - you would need one of these.
- + They come in a variety of sizes
- + They are GREAT
- +/- they are moderately priced.
- USB drive (Desktop)
- These are much larger (500GB - 3Tb)
- Bulky and harder to work with.
- Probably not what you need for this class.
- Cloud Storage
- Cloud Storage has become a viable options
- google drive,
- dropbox
- one drive
- Far too many to mention.
- I use dropbox,
- but one drive has some advantages
- It is Microsoft's Product
- So it is integrated with Microsoft's Products
- And they give you 15GB of storage
- You can access this from anywhere, even through a web browser
- You can use this with Microsoft's Office Online
- You need to sign up for a free account.
- Then log into your account when you start an office product.
- If you are going to work in the lab, you don't need to get media.
- The media you need to buy will depend on what you want to do and what
computing resources you will use. If you are confused, please see me
or the lab assistant.
- I will most likely use one drive, just to see.