Introduction to Excel
- Excel is an example of a spreadsheet.
- This is software designed to work with tabular data.
- There is a long history of this type of work in accounting.
- But spreadsheets have grown beyond this scope.
- Spread sheets are arranged in
- rows (numbered in excel)
- and columns (letterd in excel)
- The intersection of a row and column is a cell (A4, C7)
- Cells contain
- Text
- Numbers
- Formulas
- I expect that you will be able to perform all computations discussed in class and in the book.
- I would keep a set of notes on how do perform most computations.
- Functions
- I expect that you will learn to use the functions discussed in class and in the book.
- If I were you, I would keep a set of notes describing the functions and parameters, what they do and how to use them.
- This applies to other excel test and the final exam.
- Formulas/Functions start with an =
- =3+5
- Or can refer to cells
- = B3+C5
- Order of operation.