You need to know how to usee these machines for the tests.
You may attend either class (if there is space)
Make sure that you mark the attendance sheet
when you are here.
Tests and Test Policies
You must take the tests when they are given.
Only in a DOCUMENTED emergency will a make up be given
Tell me about it before hand if you know there will be a
Homework, projects and turning things in
Homework is generaly assigned each class.
You may work ahead, but don't get behind.
Projects are worth more than the homework, don't skip them.
If I don't like what you have done, I will take points off,
you may correct the work and return it for full credit.
Everything MUST have:
Your Name
Your Section (time is fine)
The name of the assignment (Homework 1, Project 7)
Most homework will be by electronic submission. Generaly
I will ask that you print only when
We are at the first section of a new subject, and
printing is somehow different.
The results are too large and would cause a problem
with storage space.
If you wish to work ahead, it is your responsibility to
watch the web pages to see when the tests will be. They
will generaly be when we complete a subject, but it would
be best to email to find out a week or two before you
think the test will occur.
You should keep copies of all work, along with the response.
I sometimes mis-enter grades, and if you have a copy things
are much easier.
I will always have a spread sheet of work accomplished, you
should check regularly to see that your grades are recorded
You will need to store work as you progress through the
You will have a choice of media on which to do this.
Your choice will be based on
Where you plan to work.
The media available to you there
Your choices are
Floppy Disk
Almost everywhere
Almost garenteed to fail
You will need 4 or 5 of these.
A zip disk
Much larger capacity
Less likely to fail
More Expensive ($10?)
You probably don't have one at home.
Good if you have one at home.
I have not used these
Not very expensive.
The M drive
A networked drive provided by the university.
Great if you plan on working in the lab and on campus
No cost.
A USB drive
Only good if you have a USB port at home
Much more expensive
New toy gee whiz effect.
Students with Disabilities
OSD students, you may take the tests there, but you need to
make prior arrangements. (The form)
If you need help, in any way, let me know, we will do what
we can.
Passwords and Such
What is identity theft?
What is your electronic identity?
What could happen if someone steals your electronic identity