Word Test, Summer III 2012

General Instructions:

  1. Download the starting document
  2. [1 point] Start word and load this document. Save it as word_test_Lastname_Firstname
  3. [3 points] Insert a cover page.
  4. [3 points] The document consists of three parts. It also contains a number of sub-parts. These parts and sub-parts should be marked appropriately so that they appear in the table of contents, and can be used in the outline view.
  5. [3 points] Styles
  6. [10 points] Page Numbering in the Main Document.
  7. [5 points] Table of contents
  8. [2 points] Change all margins to .8"
  9. [4 points] Paragraph Formatting
  10. [2 points] Footnote.
  11. [3 points] Pictures
  12. [1 point] Make the Jack o'lanterns paragraph begin on a new page.
  13. [3 points] Table of Figures
  14. [6 points] References
  15. [4 points] Sources
  16. On a new page at the end of the document, build a bibliography, providing information to these references in MLA seventh edition style.
  17. Make sure that all references and tables are updated.
  18. Save a copy of your document
  19. Email a copy of your document, as an attachment, to danbennett360@gmail.com.