CSCI 104 Spring 2017, Word Test, Practical Portion

For this test you will be formatting a report about DUKWs or Duck Boats. The exact appearance of the document does not have to match the example below, but all of the elements must be in place.

You may ask for help, but I may not provide that help. You may use your notes, book and my on line notes if you wish.

If you get stuck on a portion of the test, move on. Complete what you can.

All tasks should be automated whenever Word supports such automation.

Please be aware that the dropbox folder will close at 1:55 for the 12:30 class and 4:55 for the 3:30 am class.

There are 10 points which can be deducted for poor, sloppy, or incorrect work.

You may use your books, notes and the internet to do this portion of the test. You may not communicate with another person while working on this portion of the test.

  1. Download and save a copy of this document.
  2. [2 points] The document has been partially formatted. This formatting must be removed.
  3. [2 points] Select the Black & White (Classic) document style.
  4. [2 points] Format DUKW as the title and Or Duck Boat as the subtitle.
  5. [4 points]
  6. [2 points] Bulleted list At the end of the History section is a list of the letters DUKW and what they stand for. Turn this into a bulleted list.
  7. [5 points] At the end of the Description section, build the following table. You do not need to reproduce the red lines, these are to keep people from inserting this screenshot.
  8. [4 points] Make the entire After The War subsection in two column mode.
  9. [10 points] Find a logo for a Duck Tour company and insert this into the section on Civilian Use
  10. [15 points] Citations and Bib
  11. [4 points] Add a footnote to DUKW in the first sentence of the HISTORY section that says pronounced duck
  12. [15 points] TOC

The following screen shot is for reference only. Please do not turn in a screen shot.

Submission Instructions: