CSCI 104, SPring 2003, Word Test, Practical Portion
Please follow the directions below. There is a picture at the bottom,
of what my project looks like. Make sure that you do what I ask for,
but your have slightly different results.
Make sure that you save often, if your machine crashes, you will have
a backup copy to work from.
Make sure that your name is on the document.
When the period ends, print out what you have.
Start a new word document.
Add a header, Place your name, section number, and csci104 in the header.
Insert word art, it should say : CSCI 104 Test 1
Add the following paragraph (copy and paste if you wish).
It should justtified.
It should be single column.
It should end with an endnote that says
From Julius Ceasar by William Shakespeare
Change the font of this text so it looks old (any odd looking
font will do)
Under your pardon. You must note beside That we have tried the utmost of our friends, Our legions are brim-full, our cause is ripe: The enemy increaseth every day; We, at the height, are ready to decline. There is a tide in the affairs of men Which taken at the flood leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life Is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat, And we must take the current when it serves, Or lose our ventures.
The next section should contain the folowing text, and picture.
The section should be in three column mode.
There should be a line between each column.
The text should wrap around the picture.
The picture should be in the center of the text.
Make Project Gutenberg a link to <>
Underline Julius Ceaser, Alice in Wonderland, The Bible, The Koran and Roget's Thesaurus
So begins William Shakespear's Julius Ceaser, one of the many texts available for free at Project Gutenberg, the Internet's oldest producer of free electronic books. At this site are hundreds of books available for anyone interested in reading an electronic book. They are avaliable at no charge. The books range from light reading such as Alice in Wonderland, religious texts such as The Bibal and the Koran, and works of reference such as Roget's Thesaurus.
In signle column mode, add the text Some further information about project Gutenberg.
Add a graph of the following table.
Books per month
Change the title to Books per Month
X axis label : Year
Y axis label : Books
Make it a line graph.
You may have trouble doing this, but do what you can.