CSCI 104 Fall 2016, Word Test, Practical Portion

For this portion of the test you will edit a document discussing Daniel Dobbins.The exact appearance of the document does not have to match the example below, but all of the elements must be in place.

You may ask for help, but I may not provide that help. You may use your notes, book and my on line notes if you wish.

If you get stuck on a portion of the test, move on. Complete what you can.

All tasks should be automated whenever Word supports such automation.

Please be aware that the dropbox folder will close at 10:55 for the 10:00 am class and 11:55 for the 11:00 am class.

There are 10 points which can be deducted for poor, sloppy, or incorrect work.

You may use your books, notes and the internet to do this portion of the test. You may not communicate with another person while working on this portino of the test.

  1. Download a copy of this document.
  2. [5 points] Mark the following
  3. [7 points] On a new page at the beginning of the document, build a table of contents. This page should be set up so that headers and footers can be different from those in the rest of the document, regardless of the length of table of contents.
  4. [9 points] Insert a picture of Daniel Dobbins
  5. [3 points] After the text in the Early Life portion, before the War of 1812 portion add a numbered list including the following items:
  6. [2 points] Insert a page break after this list. Do not create a new section.
  7. [8 points] Place the entire text of the War of 1812 section
  8. [9 points] In the Revenue Cutter Service section
  9. [8 points] Build a table after the Revenue Cutter Service section.
  10. [2 points] Mark all occurrences of Daniel Dobbins for inclusion in the index.
  11. [8 points] On a new page following the table, insert a bibliography.
  12. [4 points] On all pages except the table of contents, bib and index.
  13. Submission