Word Test, Practical Portion

  1. Download this file and save it on your media.
  2. Open the recently saved document in Word.
  3. (1 point) Convert the document to Office 2007 format.
  4. (1 point) Save the new document as YOUR_NAME_Word Test (replace YOUR_NAME with your name).
  5. (2 points) In the header of the document, place your name on the left and CSCI 104, Word Test on the right.
  6. (5 points) Insert a cover sheet.
    1. The title should be "Computer Stories"
    2. The author should be you.
    3. The date should be today.
    4. All other fields should be deleted.
    5. There should be no header, or footer information on this page.
  7. (5 points) On the first page of text, insert the title "Computer Stories"
    1. Center this.
    2. Make it Bold
    3. Make it 16 point
    4. Underline it
  8. (5 ponts) Construct a table of contents. The following items should be contained in this table.
  9. (5 points) Page Numbers
    1. Number the first page of text as page 1, center this in the footer of the page.
    2. Number every other page after the first page as Page n (wher n is 2, 3, 4, ...) on the left hand side of the page.
  10. (6 points) Perform the following replacements.
  11. (3 points)
    1. Make the quote in the Open Season story ("NERDS NOT ALLOWED...") bold.
    2. Place a box around this quote.
    3. Center the quote.
  12. (1 point) Place the entire story Open Season in three column mode.
  13. (1 point) Justify all of the text in the Open Season story.
  14. (10 points) Pictures.
    1. Insert a picture of a hot air balloon in the middle of the Tech Support story.
    2. Enclose this picture in an oval frame.
    3. Place it in the middle of the story.
    4. Wrap the text around this picture, make it big enough to demonstrate that this has happened.
    5. Label this as Figure 1: The Administrator in the Balloon
    6. Insert a table of figures at the end of the doucment.
    7. Make sure that a reference to the table of figures appears in the table of contents.
  15. (4 points) References
    1. Insert a footnote after Microsoft Software Engineer in the first paragraph of Worth a Try that states: Any software engineer really
    2. After the reference to car, in the same paragraph, insert an endnote that states: Any vehicle really!
  16. (6 points) After the table of figures, insert a table
  17. (10 Points) Citations
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