Final Exam

CSCI 104

Practical Form 2

  1. Excel Portion
    1. Loan Information
      • Start Excel.
      • [1 point] Put your name in cell A1.
      • For this test we will be computing the cost of a house.
      • You must label all cells and format them appropriately, including cell width and height, or points will be taken off.
      • In cell A3, enter Price, and put 100,000 in B3
      • Enter Percent Down in A4 and put 15% in B4.
      • Enter Down Payment in cell A5.
      • [1 point] Calculate the down payment by multiplying the price by the percent down.
      • Enter Finance Price in cell A6.
      • [1 point] Compute the finance price in cell B6 by subtracting the Down Payment from the Price.
      • [1 point] Enter Terms of Loan in cell A8, merge this with cell B8.
      • Enter Interest Rate in cell A9, and 5% in cell B9
      • Enter Monthly Interest in cell A10.
      • [1 point] Compute the monthly interest in cell B10 by dividing the interest rate by 12.
      • [1 point] Format the monthly interest rate to two decimal places.
      • Enter Years in cell A11 and 30 in cell B11.
      • Enter Monthly Payment in cell A12.
      • [2 points] Compute the monthly payment in call B12.
        • Use the payment function (=pmt())
        • The first argument is the Monthly interest rate
        • The second argument is the number of years * 12
        • The third argument is the finance price times -1.
        • The value for this set of parameters should be $456.30
      • [1 point] Rename sheet 1 to be Loan Information
      • Example Image
    2. Mortgage Table
      • Move to Sheet2
      • Place your name in cell A1
      • [1 point] Rename this sheet to Mortgage Table
      • Place Extra Payment in cell A3, and $10 in cell B3.
      • Place Payment Number in cell A5
      • Place Balance in cell B5
      • Place Interest in cell C5
      • Place Principle in cell D5
      • Place Extra in cell E5
      • [2 points] Number Cells A6 through A365 sequentially 1 through 360, center these numbers.
      • [2 points] Link Cell B6 to the Finance Price on the Loan Information Sheet.
      • [2 points] Compute the monthly interest in cell C6
        • by multiplying the current balance (b6) by the Monthly Interest in on the Loan Information Sheet.
        • Make this formula so that you can copy it down without the Monthly Interest changing.
      • [2 points] Compute the monthly principle in cell D6
        • Subtract the monthly utterest from the Monthly Payment on the Loan Information sheet.
        • Make this formula so that you can copy it down without the Monthly Payment changing.
      • [1 point] Reference cell B3 in the extra field. (Cell E6). Again, you should be able to copy this formula down without the reference changing.
      • [1 point] Compute the new balance in cell B7
        • Subtract the Principle and extra payments (Cells D6 and E6) from the current balance (B6)
      • The value in B7 should be $84,887.87
      • [3 points] Copy B7 to B8:B365
      • [3 points] Copy C6:E6 to c7:E365
      • [2 points] Split the screen horizontally.
        • Position the top screen so that rows 1 through 8 are visible.
        • Position the second window so that payment 240 is visible.
      • [4 points] Use Goal Seek to determine the extra payment required to pay the mortgage off on the 240th payment.
        • You want the value of cell B246 to be 0
        • You will change the value in cell B3.
    3. Graph
      • [4 points] Build a line graph with markers displaying interest and principle payment for the first 12 payments.
      • [1 point] Use the title The First Year
      • [1 point] Use a Y axis label Amount
      • [1 point] Use a X axis label Payment Number
      • [1 point] Show the data table in the graph.
    4. Save your workbook.
  2. PowerPoint Portion
    1. Start Power Point.
    2. [3 points] Insert a title slide,
      • Title: Buying A House
      • Body:
        CSCI 104 Final Exam By Your Name
    3. [ 3 points] Second Slide
      • Title: The Mortgage
      • Body: Cells A3:b12 of the loan information sheet.
    4. [3 points] Third Slide:
      • Title: The First Year
      • Body: The Graph from the worksheet.
    5. [2 points] Set the entire slide show so that it advances the slides automatically after 3 seconds for the entire show.
    6. [2 points] Set the body of the title slide so that it fades in.
    7. [1 points] Set the transitions between slides so that they uncover up.
    8. [1 point] Apply a common design to all slides.
    9. Save your slide show.
    10. Print your slide show in handout mode, 4 slides per page.
  3. Word Portion
    1. Start Word.
    2. [2 points] Place your name in the upper left hand corner of the header and Final Exam in the upper right hand corner.
    3. [1 point] Insert word art Your New House centered at the top of the page, under the header.
    4. [2 points] Insert the following in header 1 format
      • The Mortgage
      • Early Payment Information
      • The First Year
      • The Presentation.
    5. [4 points] Insert a table of contents.
    6. Under The Mortgage
      • Insert
        Here is information about your mortgage. 
        General information about mortgages can be 
        found at wikipedia.
      • [1 point] Make the word wikipedia a link to
      • [2 points] Insert a table from Cells A3:B12 of the Loan Information sheet. This should be embedded, not linked.
    7. [1 points] Under Early Payment Information insert
      • If you pay an extra $XXX.XX each month, you will be able to pay your mortgage off in 20 years.
      • Place the amount from cell B3 of the Mortgage table in place of $XXX.XX
      • [1 points] Add a footnote to years that states Please contact me for other payoff plans
      • Insert
        More information om mortgages can be found in .
      • [2 points] Insert a citation to Mortgages for Dummies 3rdedition, 2008, by Eric Tyson and Ray Brown, published by Wyley & Sons, New York.
    8. [2 points] Under The First Year, insert a table from the Mortgage Table of the worksheet, cells A5:E17
    9. [2 points] Insert The graph from the worksheet.
    10. [1 point] Place the chart and graph next to each other.
    11. [2 points] Embed your powerpoint presentation under The Presentation
    12. [5 points] Autonumber the pages in the footer.
      • The first page should begin with roman numeral I
      • The second page, and all pages that follow should be numbered starting at 4, using the -#- format.
    13. [4 points] At the end of the document, insert a bibliography.
    14. Update your table of contents.
    15. Make sure your document fits on two pages.
    16. Print this document.
  4. Test Submission:
    1. Create a SINGLE email message. Attach your worksheet, word document and powerpoint presentation to this message.
    2. Send this email message to
    3. If you fail to do this, you will receive no credit for the practical portion of the test.
    4. Turn in your two page word document as well as your 1 page power point document.