Final Exam, CSCI 104, Fall 2006

Part 1, Excel (36 points total)

  1. Start excel
  2. Create a worksheet to compute the value of an investment over time.
  3. In CellEnter Points
    A1 Amount  
    A2 Payments Per Year  
    A3 Years  
    A4 Interest Rate  
    A6 Future Value  
    A7 Amount Invested  
    A8 Interest Earned  
    B1 $20  
    B2 26  
    B3 30  
    B4 3.5%  
    B6 A function to compute the future value for the above data 5
    B7 A function to compute the amount of money actually invested 2
    B8 A function to compute the amount of interest earned 3
  4. (5 points) Create a pie chart showing the data in cells A7 through B8
  5. (3 points) Change the Years to 30, and the amount invested to be $25, and the interest rate to be 4%. < hr>
  6. Change to a new worksheet.
  7. (2 points) Insert the following assumptions and labels.
  8. In CellEnter Points
    A1 School  
    A2 ABC College  
    A3 DEF University  
    A4 GHI State  
    B1 Tuition  
    B2 10,000  
    B3 15,000  
    B4 8,000  
    C1 Annual Increase  
    C2 4%  
    C3 6%  
    C4 5%  
    A8 School  
    B8 ABC College  
    A9 Year 1  
    A10 Year 2  
    A11 Year 3  
    A12 Year 4  
    A13 Total  
    A15 Sufficient Funds  
  9. (2 points) Using the vlookup function, compute the annual tuition price for year 1 based on the college selected in cell B8 and the table in A1 through C4.
  10. (6 points) Using the vlookup function, compute the costs for years 2 throughout 4 in cells B10 through B12.
  11. (2 points) Find the total cost for four years of school in cell B13
  12. (5 points) Using an if function, place the word yes in cell B15 if the investment on the previous worksheet (Cell B6) yields sufficient funds to pay for college (Cell B13), and a no if it does not.
  13. (1 point) Change the entry in cell B8 to be DEF University.

Part 2. Word, (22 points total)

  1. Start Word.
  2. (2 points) Add a header that contains your name, and the page number. This should be on all pages of the document.
  3. (2 points) Insert a title "College Times", centered, 18 point bold font.
  4. (2 points) Insert a table, with your name in the left column and CSCI 104 Final Exam in the right column.
  5. (2 points) Insert the title Some College Jokes and format it as heading 1.
  6. (2 points) Footnote the previous title with From
  7. (2 points) Go to and copy the text from "Money Isn't everything" through "College Prayers". Insert this into your text.
  8. (2 points) Format each of the section titles as heading 2
  9. (2 points) Place the material from the web-site, and only this material in two column mode.
  10. (2 points) After the jokes, insert a new title How to Pay for College.
  11. (2 points) Insert the pie chart from your worksheet at the end of the document.
  12. (2 points) Insert a table of contents.

Part 3. Power Point, (18 points total)

  1. Create a power point presentation.
  2. On the first slide,
    1. Title the presentation "Financing My Child's College",
    2. Add your name.
    3. Add your class time (Monday-Wednesday or Tuesday-Thursday)
  3. On the second slide
    1. Title "The Investment"
    2. Insert a copy of the pie chart from sheet 1.
    3. Place sheet 1 in formula mode, and insert a copy of the worksheet.
  4. On the third slide
    1. Title "Reasons to Graduate in 4 Years"
    2. Insert a table from sheet 2, of cells a8 throughout b15
  5. Apply a common template to all slides.
  6. Print the slides, 6 per page in handout mode.