Web pages
More Instructions are available here.
- Your webspace at Edinboro.
- anywhere username appears in these instructions, substitute
your username (jd123456, or whatever)
- Your web space at edinboro is located at:
- You should be able to browse to this with windows explorer.
- Your url is http://users.edinboro.edu/username
- Some hints:
- It is best to have jpeg or gif images.
- It is best to name files with no spaces.
- Remember your file names.
- While you are working, you can save the document as a word document on your S driver or USB disk. The following rules apply to the final document (The web page you wish to publish)
- Your first page should be called index.htm
- This should be your "main page".
- All other file names should end in .htm
- Make sure you save the final page as a web page not as a
- Word document of any type
- Single file web page
- URL links:
- Local references (just the file name, not the full url) should work.
- Full references will also work
- Creating a web page with Word
- Word may not be the most appropriate tool, but it is what we are
going to use.
- Work in web layout.
- You will not be able to adjust everything as much as you may
like. This is due to limitations of word's ability to produce
web pages.
- Don't over do the graphics.
- Remember, the layout will change as size of the browser changes.
- Make sure you meet all criteria for the web page project.