Chapter 3, Charts
- Charts (or graphs) provide a natural way to present information.
- We do better looking at pictures than tables of numbers.
- But we need to make sure that we are honestly presenting the data
- I will work with this workbook
- It presents the number of children in PA sorted by the educational attainment of the head of household.
- For 5 years.
- Important
- Make sure that everything is labeled. Use these labels.
- Multiple data selections can be made using the ctrl key.
- Make sure you don't plot total rows or columns.
- Selecting the Right Chart.
- Excel is wonderful and provides many different chart options.
- But not every chart is right for all data.
- A pie or circle chart is good for showing proportion of a single set of data.
- A line chart shows the change in continuous data. Data over time.
- A column chart or a bar chart is appropriate for comparing multiple categories.
- You probably don't need a Sunburst, Radar or Treemap chart for most of your data.
- Stick with familiar charts.
- The Recommended Charts item on the Charts group of the Insert tab is useful.
- It will show what excel has determined might be the right chart for you.
- Formatting your chart.
- I find QuickLayout on the Chart Layouts group of th Design sub tab of the Chart Tools tab to be extremely helpful.
- Select an appropriate starting point.
- Then modify to what you want.
- There are many levels of control.
- What I find important is that
- Everything is labeled.
- You don't distort the graph to change the information content.