Other Exercises

When grading these exercises I will record a percentage score based on correctness and completeness.

Please make sure that you follow all instructions, but instructions given here preempt instructions in the exercises.

Please make sure that proper identification information is included on all submissions. This includes your name and identification of what it is you are turning in. I will not give credit for incorrectly identified work.

In general I want you to email most documents to me as an attachment. Only rarely will I ask you to print the document as the exercise requests. My email address is dbennett@edinboro.edu.

Please do not send mail to bennett@edinboro.edu, this is not me and I cannot grade homework submitted to this address. Please do send email to either danbennett360@gmail.com or dbennett@edinboro.edu.

When sending mail, make sure that you are sending mail from an account where you can receive mail. I will reply to your email with your score.

Please only submit one exercise per email. Usually a single file is the solution to the entire problem, but some cases may require multiple files. Please DO NOT submit multiple exercises per email.