Class Text:

Primary Reference:

Office 2013 In Depth, Joe Habraken. Que, 2013.

I plan to present material on how to use the various applications this class covers. This book, which is a reference book only, will provide further information relating to these presentations. It will explore topics covered in this class in greater detail, as well as provide a resource for topics not presented. It is my hope that this book will serve as a resource as long as you continue to use Microsoft Office 2013 products.

The book's web pages do not seem to contain much information, but you can access them at if you wish.

Primary Practice: provides video tutorials which walk through exercises related to topics covered in class. These exercises from the courses will be used as part of your grade calculation.

An overview (or advertisement) of is available here and there is a free Course on how to use You may wish to investigate these for more information concerning this product. access will be for sale in the bookstore at a reduced price between September 1 and 6. This will provide access for the semester to the five courses we will be using for this class. The price, which is yet to be determined, will be significantly less than the full access price to

If you wish, you may purchase a full account for a monthly fee (approximately $37 per month). This will give you access to all courses offered by This is NOT required for this class.

In either case, access to IS required.

Other Items

  1. You will possibly need some form of removable media. We will discuss this in class next week.
  2. You will probably want some form of headphones.