Homework 1

This homework is due Tuesday Aug 9/Wednesday Aug 10. Questions and answers should be typed in a document. The document should be sent via email as an attachment to dbennett@edinboro.edu or danbennett360@gmail.com.

Please answer the following questions. Type your answers in full sentences.

  1. When submitting for this class homework via email
    1. (1 point) How many assignments should be submitted per message?
    2. (1 point) When should you submit your assignments?
    3. (1 point) In general, how should documents be submitted?
  2. (2 point) John plays Pathfinder with a barbarian character named Angry Alvin. He decides to make is password AngryAlvin. Is this a good or bad password and why?
  3. (2 point) Sue uses the system default password password. What impact does this have on the security of Sue's account?
  4. (4 points) Give examples of two additional passwords which are poor and explain why these are poor choices for a password.
  5. (6 points) Given examples of three strong passwords and explain why these passwords are strong.
  6. (2 points) Why should passwords be at least 8 characters long?
  7. (2 points) Email messages in the workplace should follow rules for professional communications. Why?
  8. (2 point) In an email message, why is the BCC field used? What happens when this field is used?
  9. (2 points) Why is it important to enter an appropriate subject for an email message?
Please do the following projects.
  1. (15 points) Go to Lynda.com
    1. Look over the catalog of courses available.
    2. Select one of these courses with open content.
      1. Select a video other than the "Welcome video", I want you to look at something with content.
      2. I selected a "Overview of Managing Up", form the course "Managing Your Manager".
      3. View the entire video, take notes on the material. (Submit these notes)
      4. Evaluate this platform for learning
        • What works for your in this environment?
        • What does not work for our in this environment?
        • What are you going to do to overcome the obstacles identified in the previous question?
      5. Which subscription type to Lynda.com will you purchase (University, personal)?
  2. (10 points) Do a quick internet search to find an article relating to identity theft or a similar crime. Do your best to find something that extends your knowledge of this subject.
    1. Save a reference to this article, you don't need to cite it properly but you do need to provide a link, source and date published.
    2. Read the article and summarize the contents. Please include the summary in your answers.
    3. What new information did you discover reading this article?
    4. How do the activities described in this article relate to you? How will it relate to you in the future?