Making a good password
It is important to make a good password.
- Stops others from stealing your information.
- Stops others from stealing your identity.
- Stops others from getting you in trouble.
What doesn't make a good password?
- The default password, whatever it is.
- Your name, your boy/girl friend's name.
- ANY word in English.
- ANY word in ANY language.
- Non words that have cultural meaning (R2D2, C3PO)
- A word spelled backwards, in any language.
- A word with a number tacked onto the end.
- Standard number for letter replacements 3=E, 0=O.
- Short passwords.
What makes a good password?
- Two words stuck together: dog+four
- A word spelled really poorly: linkon
- Numbers mixed in: 2Brnot2b
- Something you can remember, (Don't have to write down)
- Something that is quick to type.
Some Rules:
- Keep your password to yourself.
- You should never have to give your password to a person.
- Keep a secure password, banner and such, and an insecure
password (web sites).
- Always be careful with your password.
Why these rules for passwords?
- Identity Theft has become a major problem
- In most systems, your account name or number along with your password are your identity on that system.
- Most account names are public information.
- How many different passwords can I make using one lowercase letter?
- a, b, c, ....
- A total of 26
- How about two letters?
- aa, ab, ac, ... zz
- a total of 26*26 or 262 = 676
- Let us do an experiement
- Start Excel
- In Cell A3 put Number of Characters
- In Cell B3 put 26
- In Cell C3 put Tests Per Second
- In Cell D3 put =1*10^9 (A 1 GHZ machine)
- In Cell B5 put K
- In Cell C5 put n^K
- In Cell D5 put Seconds
- In Cell E5 put Min
- In Cell F5 put Hour
- In Cell G5 put Day
- In Cell H5 put Year
- In Cell B6 put 1
- In Cell C6 put =$B$3^B6
- In Cell D6 put =C6/60
- In Cell E6 put =D6/60
- In Cell F6 put =E6/60
- In Cell G6 put =F6/24
- In Cell H6 put =G6/365.25
- Copy the formulas down
- Your final worksheet should look like this.
- This assumes a 4 GHz machine that takes 4000 instructions to check a password.
Accounts at Edinboro:
- You have at least three accounts at Edinboro.
- Your network account, the one you have been loggin in with.
- Your live@edu account, your email
- Your blackboard account.
- All three have the same username
- They CAN have different passwords, but I'm not sure that this is a good idea.
- live and network account have the same original password
- blackboard is your six digit birthday (I have been told)
Resetting and Changing your password at Edinboro
- Your network password:
- Go to
- type scots tools into the searchbar
- This will bring up the S.C.O.T.S. Tools login
- Log in with
- SCOTS id, and pin
- Campus email and password
- You can then select what you want to do
- I selected change my email password
- Notice they give you minimum requirements.
- Also some additional suggestions.
- You are scored as you type in your new password
- You can also reset your password by taking your student ID to Ross hall.
This will reset your password to your birthday.
You better ask at the help desk what your password is reset to.
- you have until midnight to change your password as above or your account is deactivated.
- Your Live@edu password