Quick Email Primer
- Topics:
- Log In
- Sending Email
- Folders
- Just a bit of common sense
- SkyDrive
- Log In
- Sending Email
- To
- CC
- Subject
- Body
- Attachments
- Click on Attachments
- Click on Browse
- Browse to the file you wish to attach
- Click on Attach
- The item will show up on the right.
- Now click on done
- Be careful what you send
- and what you look at.
- Folders
- Click on Manage Folders
- Create a new folder
- This can be done as a hierarchy, just like your folders in windows.
- Select an email
- Click on Move
- Select the folder you wish to place the email into.
- Go to the folder with the email.
- Just a bit of common sense
- Sky Drive
- Getting there
- Click on Create Folder
- These can be done in a heirarchy,
- But it appears to be troublesome to move files about.
- Add files.