Some additional notes
- You should turn in your work as you complete it, and you should
complete it as we go.
- Each assignment should be submitted in a different email message. Please don't attach multiple assignments in the same message. (This is for me and it assists in bookkeeping).
- I will reply to the address from which you send an assignment. If
you do not receive a response within a week of submitting an
assignment, please see me.
- Send mail from where you want the response to go. (Or set up a forward
if you don't use your campus address to read email)
- I will have a spreadsheet with your grades recorded at most classes,
please check on your progress regularly.
- Save your work and my responses. If I mis-record something in my
grade book, it is easy to prove that you did it if you have a copy
of my reply and your original work.
- You may work at your own pace. I have mostly scheduled 1 week for each
chapter in the book. You must be done with your work by the
time it is due.
- You must send the files as attachments, I want to look at the
formatting, formulas, ...
- Tests will consist of a closed book written portion and an open book
practical portion. You SHOULD BRING your books for the tests.
- For the most part, I can not help you with problems via email. This
is what class time is for.
- If you have a problem and need to see me, come to class or to my
office hours.
- After the test in an area, we change books, bring the new book to
the next class.
- If you feel you know the material to be covered in this class, you
have a number of options, including credit by examination. Please
see me if you wish to discuss this.
- You work needs to be done using a package I have access to. If you
are interested in working in something other than Office, please talk
to me PRIOR to submitting any work.
- If you have a problem, of any sort, please contact me when the problem
arises. Finals week is too late to solve any problems.