Essential Computing I, CSCI 104, Section 4

Welcome to CSCI 104, section 4, Fall 2001. In this class we will take a very practical approach to the study of microcomputers and some specific applications of microcomputers.

This class meets MWF 12:00 to 12:50 in Hamilton Hall.

Course Objectives

Instruction Contact Information

Dan Bennett
Phone: 814- 732-1177
Web Page:
Office: 202 Doucette Hall

I prefer to be contacted by email. This will allow me to answer as quickly as I can. I watch my email even when I am not present in my office.

Office Hours

MWF 10:00-11:00, 1:00-1:50

M 5:00 - 5:50

And by appointment

Class Texts:


Grades will be based on performance on a number of measurements. It is important that you participate in all of these measurements. If you must miss one of these measurements, please contact the instructor to arrange a make up.

Measurement Quantity When Value
Homework 20-30 Most Days 15%
Projects 10-12 Weekly 35%
Tests 5 Every 3 weeks 50%

Grades will be assigned as follows:
Class Average Grade
0% - 59% F
60% - 69% D
70% - 79% C
80% - 89% B
90% - 100% A

I reserve the right to lower the ranges in this table if I feel that it is appropriate. I will not raise the standards of performance.


There will be five tests in this class. Tests will occur about every three weeks, and will include the material covered in class. Each test will contain a written portion where students will demonstrate a knowledge of terms and ideas from the class, as well as a practical portion where students will demonstrate their ability to use applications discussed.


Homework is intended to be a quick evaluation of student achievement of the daily instruction. Work may be quick, and less professional than other measurements.

Please remember, it is best to turn your homework in when it is due. If you can not complete your homework on time, second best is to turn it in late. It is completely unacceptable to fail to turn homework in.


Projects are somewhat more difficult than homework. They will be weighted by difficulty. Projects should be presented in a professional manner and should reflect some commitment on the part of the student.

I plan on giving a project each week that we do not have a test.

Please remember, it is best to turn your project in when it is due. If you can not complete your project on time, second best is to turn it in late. It is completely unacceptable to fail to turn project in.

Class Attendance Policy

It is university policy that students attend EVERY class.

Students will be asked to sign an attendance sheet. I will use the data collected on this sheet to determine borderline grades. I will also use this information when asked to provide references, recommendations and other documentation in support of the students.

If you must miss an exam, presentation, or some other performance measurement, you should contact the instructor before the class you must miss. Only in the case of an verified emergency will the instructor permit the student to make up a missed measurement without prior arrangements.