context.fillStyle = value
is an example.
<canvas id = "demo1" width= "200" height= "60" style="border:1px solid black;"> </canvas> <script> "use strict" const canvas = document.getElementById("demo1") const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d") ctx.fillRect(10,10,20,20) ctx.fillStyle = "red" ctx.fillRect(40,40,10,10) ctx.fillStyle = "#00ff00" ctx.fillRect(60,40,10,10) ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(0,0,255)" ctx.fillRect(80,40,10,10) ctx.fillStyle = "hsl(20,100%,50%)" ctx.fillRect(100,40,10,10) let color = "rgb(" + (Math.random()*255).toString() + "," + (Math.random()*255).toString() + "," + (Math.random()*255).toString() + ")" ctx.fillStyle = color ctx.fillRect(120,40,10,10) </script>
context.clearRect(0,0,width, height)
context.clearRect(0,0,canvas.width, canvas.height)
x = Math.random()
returns a value $ 0 \le x \lt 1$.
function RandomInt(max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * max) }
let starArray = []
creates an empty array.
const colors = ["red", "green", "blue", "cyan", "magenta", "yellow"]
creates an initialized constant array.
function RandomColor() { const size = colors.length return colors[RandomInt(size)] }
appends the element to the end of the array.
<script> let starArray = [] const colors = ["red", "green", "blue", "cyan", "magenta", "yellow"] console.log("star array:", starArray, "is size ", starArray.length) console.log("colors:", colors, "is size ", colors.length) starArray.push("Mickey Mouse") starArray.push(Math.PI) starArray.push(colors) console.log("star array:", starArray, "is size ", starArray.length) console.log("Chainging colors") colors.push("CornflowerBlue") console.log("star array:", starArray, "is size ", starArray.length) </script> function LogIt(item, pos) { console.log("at ", pos, " is the value : ", item) } colors.forEach(LogIt)
let star = {x: 10, y: 20}
console.log(star, "star.x= ", star.x, 'star["y"] = ', star["y"])
star.age = 4
star["size"] = "small"
provides an array of the keys
returns the array [key, value]
console.log("Object.keys.forEach: \n") Object.keys(star).forEach(LogIt) console.log("Object.entries: \n") for( let [key, value] of Object.entries(star)) { console.log(key, value) }
<script> console.log("\n\nObjects") let star = {x: 10, y:20} console.log(star, "star.x= ", star.x, 'star["y"] = ', star["y"]) star.age = 4 star['size'] = "small" console.log(star) console.log("\nObject.keys: ") console.log(Object.keys(star)) console.log("\nObject.keys.forEach: ") Object.keys(star).forEach(LogIt) console.log("\nObject.entries: ") for( let [key, value] of Object.entries(star)) { console.log(key, value) } </script>
and change
is a method to keep track of if we are going up or down in size.