Bus and Tri-State Devices
- This is Carpinelli,
- 4.7 for tri-state buffers
- A bus is a set of wires used to transmit data.
- A single component places data on the bus.
- Multiple components can read the data on the bus.
- It might be better to have direct connections between all components.
- This might eliminate some delays
- But it would require a huge number of wires.
- We need the ability to control access to the bus.
- If two devices transmit at the same time, this would cause problems.
- To do this we use a tri-state buffer.
- In digital, this is called a Driver
- One data input
- One data output
- One control line.
- If the control line is off, there is no output
- If the control line is on, the data is passed from the input line to the output
- Consider a partial cpu implementation.
- This circuit is driven by a clock.
- We will try to discuss the clock later if we have time.
- For now, it is the part that drives the registers.
- When the clock changes from low to high, we need to have all input data for the changing register present.
- How would we increment the PC?
- Assert CI
- Pulse the Clock
- Deassert CI
jump E
- Put E on the bus by Hand entry, (no IR)
- Assert Hand to Bus
- Assert CE
- Pulse the clock
- Deassert CE
- Deassert Hand To Bus
- Lets do acc=2-3
loadi 2
- Put 2 on the bus in Hand entry, (since we don't have an ir)
- Assert Hand To Bus
- Assert AI
- Pulse the Clock
- Deassert AI
- Deassert HandToBus
sub F
- Put a 3 on the bus by Hand Entry
- Assert Hand To Bus
- Assert BI
- Pulse the clock
- Deassert BI
- Deassert Hand To Bus
- Assert SU
- Assert EO
- Assert BI
- Pulse the Clock
- Deassert SU, EO, BI