Homework 3

  1. [2 points] Convert .65625 to binary. Show your work.
  2. [2 points] Convert .101112 to decimal. Show your work.
  3. [2 points] Convert 11.1012 to decimal. Show your work.
  4. [4 points] Define precision and gap relating to binary.
  5. [4 points] In a five bit binary representation, what is the smallest number larger that zero that can be represented? Explain your answer.
  6. [6 points] Give the truth table, expression and draw a circuit to express the and logical function.
  7. [5 points] Use a truth table to show that a+ba + b.
  8. [5 points] Draw a circuit for the expression f(a,b) = a · b


Submit the assignment to the D2L folder Homework1 by the due date.