Homework 1, Number Representation.

Create a document with answers to the following. Sloppy or unreadable documents will lose credit. For computations you must show your work or you will receive no credit.
  1. Convert each to to the requested base.
    1. 384 to base 2
    2. 983 to base 8
    3. 1011010112 to base 10
    4. 24135 to base 10
    5. 10110111110111112 to base 8
    6. 10110111110111112 to base 10
    7. 10110111110111112 to base 16
  2. Why is the following number invalid $10211001_2$
  3. How many digits are needed to represent a number in base $n$?
  4. Why is hexadecimal a reasonable shorthand for large binary numbers?


Submit the assignment to the D2L folder Homework1 by the due date.