Program Design: What I want
- Please do your designs
- Seriously, you need to learn to do this.
- Before you program.
- When you are designing a program for me, I want the following:
- Personal identifiying information. (name, class, ...)
- A high level description of the problem.
- A list of questions about the problem.
- A description of the problem's input/output.
- A set of test cases, both input and output
- A program decomposition, showing how the various modules will iteract.
- Algorithms for the main and all sub algorithms required to solve this problem.
- Note on submission:
- I have asked you for a word document
- this allows me to add comments as I grade that are not embedded in d2l.
- This is a requirement, I will not grade documents that are not in word.
- Why a high level description?
- Why a list of questions?
- Why a description of the input/output?
- Why test cases?
- Decompositon is only neede if there are functions.
- Heirarchy chart would do nicely.
- UML diagram when we have classes.
- Let's discuss algorithms.
- Algrithms are not code. DO NOT SUBMIT CODE.
- Algorithms should be short English like statements that provide instructions only.
- Ideally these will become function names.
- you can use math formulas
- Don't write the formula in english.
- If you are using program control (if, while, ...) use thse structures and indent body.