#include #include using namespace std; const int OZ_PER_CONE = 8; const int OZ_PER_GALLON = 128; const string FILE_NAME{"normalsales.dat"}; void GetData(ifstream & inFile, int count, string & flavor); int CalulateGallons(int count); int main() { ifstream inFile; string flavor; int numberOfCones = 0; int numberOfFlavors{0}; string junk; inFile.open(FILE_NAME); if(!inFile) { cout << "Unable to open "<< FILE_NAME << endl; } else { GetData(inFile, numberOfCones, flavor); while(inFile) { cout << "We will sell " << numberOfCones << " of " << flavor << endl; GetData(inFile, numberOfCones, flavor); } } inFile.close(); return 0; } void GetData(ifstream & inFile, int count, string & flavor){ getline(inFile, flavor); inFile >> count; inFile.ignore(1000,'\n'); return; } int CalulateGallons(int count){ return 0; }