Program 1, Grandma's Trunk

Short Description:

(Sort of play) the game of Grandmother's Trunk.


When you finish this homework, you should:

Formal Description

Grandmother's trunk is a memory game for children. The rules are outlined here.

The game can be varied, by changing the person and their container. For example you might play father's suitcase, sister's bookbag, ...

Your program should simulate a game of grandmother's trunk. To do this you should begin by asking the user for the person and container, then ask the user for three objects. These objects can be a single word or a phrase, while the person and container should be a single word. After you have asked for all of the objects, you should produce output as outlined below.

Example Output

Please enter a person (as a single word) => grandmother
Please enter a container (as a single word) that grandmother owns => trunk
Very well, we will look at items in your grandmother's trunk.

Please enter an item you found in your grandmother's trunk => tattered coat
You gave me a tattered coat.

Please enter another item you found in your grandmother's trunk => ratty old cat
You gave me a ratty old cat.

Please enter a final item  you found in your grandmother's trunk=> cup of tea
You gave me a cup of tea.

I selected a bottle of wine and a book of pictures.

So the game will be:

In my grandmother's trunk I found
	a tattered coat.

In my grandmother's trunk I found
	a tattered coat,
	and a bottle of wine.
In my grandmother's trunk I found
	a tattered coat,
	and a bottle of wine,
	and a ratty old cat.

In my grandmother's trunk I found
	a tattered coat,
	and a bottle of wine,
	and a ratty old cat,
	and a book of pictures.

In my grandmother's trunk I found
	a tattered coat,
	and a bottle of wine,
	and a ratty old cat,
	and a book of pictures,
	and a cup of tea.


You should make appropriate use of constants and variables. Since you can't randomly generate items, your items, and main phrases should be constants.

You are not able to determine which article to use for a given input (yet), so please assume all words start with a consonant. (Ie use a as in the example)

The items your program selects should be pre-defined, but easy to change.

You should pay attention to the order I have specified for actions your program will perform.

Your identifiers should be constructed properly, with meaningful names.

You should document your code with comments.

Your output should be organized, easy to read, and make appropriate use of white space.


You should create a simple algorithm for this program. It must be placed in the comments at the top of the c++ source code file.

Required Files

A single source code file.


Submit the assignment to the D2L folder Homework 5 by the due date.