We would like to :
- Understand the material for this section.
- Name and describe some of the basic data types in Java.
- Distinguish between a variable and a constant.
- Understand the basic operations involved with Input/output.
- Understand some basic operations on data.
- In this section we will be looking at
- Note for now I am skipping 2.3 Strings, classes, objects and subroutines.
- What will we be looking at?
- Data and basic data types.
- Variables, constants and identifiers.
- Methods for output.
- Methods for input.
- How to perform simple computations.
- We will write a few more programs together
- Please look at these carefully.
- Run them and see how they work.
- Make sure that you understand what everything is doing.
- You will have a new programming assignment that will use these ideas.
- Pay attention to how I develop code.
- The style, including variable and constant names.
- Indentation and spacing
- In the end, I expect you to copy this.
- Don't forget, one of our goals is to be able to design programs, so don't skip the terms.
- Most of these are universal in programming
- And this is the language developers, programmers, and designers speak.