Homework 3, Setting up Your Java Environment.

Short Description:

Get ready to start programming by setting up your Java environment.


When you finish this homework, you should have:

Formal Description

Set up your java environment. This can include any of the following: To do the homework, you should:
  1. Pick at least one of the above options and implement it.
  2. Using this environment copy and paste the HelloWorld program and make it run.
    class HelloWorld {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            System.out.println("Hello World!");
    Remember, this will need to be called HelloWorld.java
  3. Compile and execute this program.
  4. Take a screenshot of your environment with the working program.
  5. In a Word document
    1. Place identifying information
    2. Place a description of your environment, ie how do you intend to work on code this semester.
    3. Place your screen shot(s) from above.
    4. Write a short description of any programming experience you may have had before this class.
    5. Place any questions/comments.

Required Files

Submit a single Word document to d2l.


Submit the assignment to the D2L folder Homework 3 by the due date.