We would like to :
- Understand the basics of the
int open(const char *pathname, int flags, ... /* mode_t mode */ );
- Needs fcntl.h
- This takes a path to the file we wish to open
- It then takes at least one, but as many flags as you need to provide3
- Normally these are bitwise ored together (|), and only one is given
- See demo1.cpp
- But we can give as many as we want.
- See demo2.cpp
- If the file is opened with the flag O_CREAT, or O_TMPFILE
- The file will be created.
- The file is owned by the process owner
- The group is either the process group id, or the file group owner if the group setgid bit is set.
- The mode argument must be supplied
- If the mode argument is not supplied, the next values on the stack will be used. (IE THE ARGUMENT IS EXPECTED)
- More on this when we discuss O_CREAT
- But this is done is demo1.cpp
- The return value is
- A non negative integer on success
- -1 on error, and errno is set.
- The path argument
- This can be absolute, relative but not ~
- See demo3.cpp.
- This is a primitive version of cat.
- Open flags
- Must include exactly one of the following
- Read and write are obvious, let's delay RW for a bit.
- If you add O_CREAT as a flag
- If the file does not exist, it will be created.
- When creating a file, the last argument, as we said is the mode.
- These are permissions
- S_I*
- RUSR, WUSR, XUSR and for GRP and OTH
- SUID, SGID, SVTX for setuid user, group and sticky
- Again, demo1
- But setting the setuid bit might be a problem , or even ignored
- See demo5