Homework 3, FizzBuzz.

Short Description:

Write a program in MIPS assembly language that plays the game of fizzbuzz.


When you finish this homework, you should have:

Formal Description

For a while, fizzbuzz was a basic programming test for interviews coding. I don't know if this is still the case, but the wikipedia page still mentions this is a common practice.

For your program, the game works as follows. You should ask the user for the number to which they wish to "fizzbuzz". If this number is negative, you should print out "I can not fizzbuzz a negative number of times.". If the number is 0, print "Zero my hero does not fizzbuzz!". Otherwise, you should then start counting from 1, printing each number, one number per line. You should not print the number but print "fizz" if the number if dividable by three and "buzz" on the line if the number is dividable by 5. Multiples of both should produce "fizzbuzz". You should have no blank spaces between words or immediately before the endline character, which should be printed on each line.

Below is an example output:

Please enter the number you wish to which you wish to fizzbuzz. => 7

Required Files

A single file containing your source code for this program.


Submit the assignment to the D2L folder Homework4 by the due date.