Homework 4, Computer Architecture.

Short Description:

Please solve the following problems. Your answer shoudl be contained in a well labeled word document.


When you finish this homework, you should have:

Formal Description

  1. Please do problem 4.1 page 372-373 ( 4.1.1 through 4.1.3)
  2. Please do problem 4.3 page 373 (4.3.1 through 4.3.3). Think about how this problem impacts data hazards.
  3. Please trace the instruction lw $a3, imm($t1) through the mips diagram given in the notes. Show the values of all of the data lines and all control lines. R[$t1] and M[address] can be used in this case where the contents of memory and registers are unknown.
  4. Using the MIPS diagram in the notes, add the hardware to enable the jal instruction. In addition to modifying the diagram:
    1. Clearly discuss any new hardware added.
    2. Clearly discuss any control lines added and how these will be used.

Required Files

A single word document.


Submit the assignment to the D2L folder HW5 by the due date.