PennWest Edinboro Planned Computer Science/Applied Computing Course Rotation
We plan to offer the following courses each Fall
- CMSC 1040 Personal Productivity Software (3)
- CMSC 1200 Problem Solving and Programing Constructs (2)
- CMSC 1240 Computer Programming I
- CMAC 2000 Introduction to Cyber Security
- CMSC 2040 Object Oriented Programming
- CMSC 2100 Logic and Switching Theory
- CMAC 3100 Computer Architecture and Assembly Language
- CMAC 3140 Analysis of Algorithms
- CMSC 3180 Data Communications and Networking
- CMSC 3240 Computer Architecture
- CMAC 3380 Python
- CMAC 3500 Web Programming I
- CMAC 3740 Mobile Application Development
- CMSC 4140 Theory of Languages
- CMAC 4200 Artificial Intelligence
- CMAC 4900 Senior Project 1: Software Engineering
We plan to offere the following courses each Spring
- CMSC 1040 Personal Productivity Software (3)
- CMSC 1200 Problem Solving and Programing Constructs
- CMSC 1240 Computer Programming I (2)
- CMSC 2040 Object Oriented Programming
- CMSC 3040 Data Structures
- CMSC 3100 Assembly Language Programming
- CMAC 3200 Database Application Programming
- CMSC 3320 Technical Computing Using Java
- CMAC 3700 2D Game Programming
- CMAC 3720 3D Game Programming
- CMAC 3780 Computer Graphics
- CMSC 4000 Operating Systems
- CMSC 4080 Structures of Programming Languages
- CMSC 4180 Language Translation
- CMSC 4920 Senior Project II