A small copy of the canvas just to show that the class is working.
xmin: ymin:
width: height:
<html> <head> <script id="vertex-shader" type="x-shader/x-vertex"> attribute vec4 vPosition; uniform float userPointSize; void main() { gl_PointSize = userPointSize; gl_Position = vPosition; } </script> <script id="fragment-shader1" type="x-shader/x-fragment"> void main() { gl_FragColor = vec4( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ); } </script> <script id="fragment-shader2" type="x-shader/x-fragment"> void main() { gl_FragColor = vec4( 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ); } </script> <script src="https://mirkwood.cs.edinboro.edu/~bennett/GraphicsCode/Common/webgl-utils.js" ></script> <script src="https://mirkwood.cs.edinboro.edu/~bennett/GraphicsCode/Common/initShaders.js"></script> <script src="https://mirkwood.cs.edinboro.edu/~bennett/GraphicsCode/Common/MV.js"></script> <script src="ui.js" defer></script> <script src="GLCanvas.js"></script> </head> <body> <h1>A DrawLines Demo</h1> <script type="text/javascript"> 'use strict' var WIDTH = 500; var HEIGHT = 500; var canvas1 = new Canvas(WIDTH, HEIGHT, "vertex-shader", "fragment-shader1"); </script> <p> A small copy of the canvas just to show that the class is working. <script type="text/javascript"> var canvas2 = new Canvas(WIDTH/2, HEIGHT/2, "vertex-shader", "fragment-shader2"); </script> <p> <select id="Shape"> <option value='0'>Points</option> <option value='1'>Line Strip</option> <option value='2'>Line Loop</option> <option value='3'>Lines</option> <option value='4'>Triangle Strip</option> <option value='5'>Triangle Fan</option> <option value='6'>Triangles</option> </select> <p> xmin: <input type="text" id="xmin" value="0"></input> ymin: <input type="text" id="ymin" value="0"></input> <p> width: <input type="text" id="width" value="500"></input> height: <input type="text" id="height" value="500"></input> <p> PointSize: <input type="text" id="PointSize" value="3"></input> <p> <button type="button" id="DoIt">Finished</button> <p>
'use strict' class Canvas { vpx = 0; vpy = 0; constructor (width, height, vshader, fshader) { this.height = height; this.width = width; this.vph = height; this.vpw = width; this.MakeCanvas(); this.SetupGL(); this.MakeShaders(vshader, fshader); this.SetupVBO(); this.gl.viewport(this.vpx, this.vpy, this.vpw, this.vph); this.Init(); return this; } UpdateViewport(x,y,w,h) { this.vpx = x; this.vpy = y; this.vpw = w; this.vph = h; this.gl.viewport(this.vpx, this.vpy, this.vpw, this.vph); } SetPointSize(size) { this.gl.uniform1f(this.pointSizeLoc, size); } MakeCanvas() { if (this.width == undefined || this.width < 0) { this.width = 300; } if (this.height == undefined || this.height < 0) { this.height = 300; } this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas') this.canvas.height = this.height; this.canvas.width = this.width; this.canvas.style="border:1px solid #000000;" this.canvas.tabIndex = 0; document.body.appendChild(this.canvas); } SetupGL() { this.gl = WebGLUtils.setupWebGL(this.canvas); if (!this.gl) { alert ("WebGL isn't available"); return; } this.gl.getExtension('OES_standard_derivatives'); } MakeShaders(vshader, fshader) { this.program = initShaders(this.gl, vshader,fshader); this.gl.useProgram(this.program); } SetupVBO() { let gl = this.gl; let bufferID = gl.createBuffer(); gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, bufferID); let vPosition = gl.getAttribLocation(this.program, "vPosition"); gl.vertexAttribPointer(vPosition,2,gl.FLOAT, false,0,0); gl.enableVertexAttribArray(vPosition); this.pointSizeLoc = gl.getUniformLocation(this.program,"userPointSize"); } Init() { this.list= []; this.gl.clearColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); this.shape = '0'; this.MakePoints(); let gl = this.gl; gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER,flatten(this.list),gl.STATIC_DRAW); } MakePoints() { this.count = 15; let x, y, r; let theta=0; let dtheta = Math.PI/this.count * 2; r = .75; for (let i=0; i<this.count; i++) { let tmp = vec2(r*Math.cos(theta), r*Math.sin(theta)); theta += dtheta; this.list.push(tmp); } return; } SetShape(shape) { this.shape = shape; return; } Display() { this.gl.clear(this.gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); let type; switch(this.shape) { case '1': type = this.gl.LINE_STRIP; break case '2': type = this.gl.LINE_LOOP; break case '3': type = this.gl.LINES; break case '4': type = this.gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP; break case '5': type = this.gl.TRIANGLE_FAN; break case '6': type = this.gl.TRIANGLES; break default: case '0': type = this.gl.POINTS; break } this.gl.drawArrays(type, 0, this.count); return; } };
'use strict' let doit = document.getElementById("DoIt"); let shape = document.getElementById("Shape"); let pointSize = document.getElementById("PointSize"); function Display() { UpdateViewport(); Redisplay(); } function Redisplay() { canvas1.Display(); canvas2.Display(); } function UpdateViewport() { let x = document.getElementById("xmin").value; let y = document.getElementById("ymin").value; let width = document.getElementById("width").value; let height = document.getElementById("height").value; canvas1.UpdateViewport(x,y,width,height); } function UpdateScene() { let val = shape.value; console.log(shape.value, "is the shape value"); canvas1.SetShape(val); canvas2.SetShape(val); Redisplay(); } function NewPointSize() { let size = pointSize.value; if (size > 0) { canvas1.SetPointSize(size); canvas2.SetPointSize(size); Redisplay() } } doit.addEventListener("click", Display); shape.addEventListener("change", UpdateScene); pointSize.addEventListener("change",NewPointSize); pointSize.value = 3.0 NewPointSize(); Display();