Caches Found on 2023-06-04

Rock-On-INN TB HotelMontana Montana
GeoExpeditionMT #23: Bug Inn - Bug OutMontana Montana
Ahhhh. . .Montana Montana
Overnight Camping ProhibitedIdaho Idaho
Welcome to WallaceIdaho Idaho
Lookout Lisa's Lookout Pass CacheIdaho Idaho
Jade's CacheMontana Montana
GeoExpeditionMT #1: The Continental DivideMontana Montana
Silver DollarMontana Montana
The Great DivideMontana Montana

Caches Found: 10
Total Difficulty 14
Average Difficulty 1.40
Total Terrain 15
Average Terrain 1.50
Different Icons 4
Different Containers 6
Terrain/Difficulty Combos 5
States 2