Caches Found on 2020-08-22

Dino's DynastyNew York New York
ESP # 7New York New York
Another Day at Chadwick BayNew York New York
String Theory: Fourth DimensionPennsylvania Pennsylvania
ESP # 5New York New York
Star Trek-The BorgPennsylvania Pennsylvania
Breaking the WavesNew York New York
Summit Puzzle cachePennsylvania Pennsylvania
Giant Trees on the Seaway Trail - IINew York New York
Barcelona Lighthouse Virtual Reward 2.0New York New York
Need a Quicky? Here it Is!Pennsylvania Pennsylvania

Caches Found: 11
Total Difficulty 22
Average Difficulty 2.05
Total Terrain 19
Average Terrain 1.73
Different Icons 4
Different Containers 5
Terrain/Difficulty Combos 6
States 2