Caches Found on 2017-06-09

EMHGT2 - ChapmanNew York New York
NYAGT - South Dayton CountryNew York New York
EMHGT - 5 PointsNew York New York
EMHGT2 - The NaturalNew York New York
Enjoy the ViewNew York New York
EMGT-Dayton-Smoke Eaters and GhostbustersNew York New York
EMHGT2 - Walking SlowlyNew York New York
Got Cheese?New York New York
EMHGT - WorshipNew York New York
Hello In ThereNew York New York
EMHGT - RevolutionaryNew York New York
Someday MaybeNew York New York
EMHGT2 - Cutlery CacheNew York New York
Foreign War StoriesNew York New York
NYAGT Part 2 Historic LandmarkNew York New York
Mama Horse Fly Bug ResortNew York New York
EMHGT2 - CCCNew York New York

Caches Found: 17
Total Difficulty 29
Average Difficulty 1.71
Total Terrain 30
Average Terrain 1.76
Different Icons 1
Different Containers 3
Terrain/Difficulty Combos 7
States 1