Caches Found on 2011-12-23

The Silly PeopleOhio Ohio
Merry CHRISTmas SerenityNow from 2MorrowsOhio Ohio
Rockside WoodsOhio Ohio
Tim's Evil Cryptic Cache #2Ohio Ohio
Isla del TesoroOhio Ohio
Variety is the Spice of Life ChallengeOhio Ohio
Mitch's Famous Terrier PuzzleOhio Ohio
Going PostalOhio Ohio
Something BlueOhio Ohio
The Elementary CacheOhio Ohio
Bibliophobia: "King" of FearsOhio Ohio
A Dozen Souvenirs ChallengeOhio Ohio
2Morrows' 1K Cache - Rock On!!!Ohio Ohio
Twice-Baked PotatoesOhio Ohio
Tim's Evil Cryptic Cache #1Ohio Ohio

Caches Found: 15
Total Difficulty 35
Average Difficulty 2.33
Total Terrain 26
Average Terrain 1.73
Different Icons 3
Different Containers 4
Terrain/Difficulty Combos 12
States 1