Caches Found on 2011-09-24

Isolated SplendorOhio Ohio
Emergency EscapeOhio Ohio
P.I.B. On GuardOhio Ohio
Frog PledgeOhio Ohio
Long Live Lake Erie LegendsOhio Ohio
P.retty I.ncredible B.adgerOhio Ohio
Go Fish Lake ErieOhio Ohio
In the Hands of GodOhio Ohio
PIB Memorial CarillonOhio Ohio
"I Like This Spot"Ohio Ohio
Lake Erie Islands EarthcacheOhio Ohio
World's Largest GeodeOhio Ohio
NCOG Series - OttawaOhio Ohio
"Don't Cry for Me," said Mr. Tree.Ohio Ohio
Fastest WayOhio Ohio
Welcome to the Lake Erie Islands Nature CenterOhio Ohio
What Do You Do in the Wintertime?Ohio Ohio
Coon Man's CovetOhio Ohio
Battle of Lake Erie Re-kayak-tmentOhio Ohio
4th Annual CITO at Put-in-BayOhio Ohio

Caches Found: 20
Total Difficulty 42
Average Difficulty 2.10
Total Terrain 43
Average Terrain 2.15
Different Icons 4
Different Containers 4
Terrain/Difficulty Combos 12
States 1