Caches Found on 2010-11-07

Midnight Romp With RoscoeNew York New York
Stone Cold CacheNew York New York
Things that go bump in the night.New York New York
What A View!New York New York
Another Ammo BoxNew York New York
near a treeNew York New York
Wherigo ASP Old Zoo TourNew York New York
Bagginses's Road (or Trail) to 1000New York New York
Na-no, Na-Nu 430New York New York
"He-Man Micro-haters Club": Chautauqua Co. ChapterNew York New York
Dead Man's ChestNew York New York
ASPGB - RaccoonNew York New York
The Hangman's CacheNew York New York
The Future PastNew York New York
Salamanca Overlook Vista EarthcacheNew York New York
The BadNew York New York

Caches Found: 16
Total Difficulty 29
Average Difficulty 1.81
Total Terrain 31
Average Terrain 1.97
Different Icons 4
Different Containers 5
Terrain/Difficulty Combos 10
States 1