Caches Found on 2010-04-04

RememberingOhio Ohio
The Princess and the PeaOhio Ohio
What can you buy for a buck?Ohio Ohio
Back to NatureOhio Ohio
2Morrows' Back-to-School CacheOhio Ohio
Egyptian CacheOhio Ohio
Grandma's 90th BirthdayOhio Ohio
Scenic RidgeOhio Ohio
Where are the HorsesOhio Ohio
Fish StoriesOhio Ohio
Dan's DreamOhio Ohio
Magnetic Micro in the WoodsOhio Ohio

Caches Found: 12
Total Difficulty 18
Average Difficulty 1.50
Total Terrain 19
Average Terrain 1.58
Different Icons 1
Different Containers 3
Terrain/Difficulty Combos 5
States 1