
1 Introduction
2 Architecture
 2.1 Hardware Description
  2.1.1 Registers
 2.2 Other Hardware Components
 2.3 Register Transfer Notation
 2.4 Instruction Set
3 Assembler
 3.2 Numeric Literals (numbers)
 3.3 Mnemonics
 3.4 Labels
 3.5 Data
 3.6 Invoking the Assembler
 3.7 Example Code
 3.8 Error Messages
4 Simulator


1 Introduction
2 Architecture
 2.1 Hardware Description
  2.1.1 Registers
 2.2 Other Hardware Components
 2.3 Register Transfer Notation
 2.4 Instruction Set
3 Assembler
 3.2 Numeric Literals (numbers)
 3.3 Mnemonics
 3.4 Labels
 3.5 Data
 3.6 Invoking the Assembler
 3.7 Example Code
 3.8 Error Messages
4 Simulator

Chapter 1

The Wombat simulator is based on a design by Dale Skrien. The design is an example architecture for his CPU Sim simulator. This version was adapted by Dan Bennett with the addition of several instructions.

Chapter 2




Control Unit

2.1 Hardware Description

The Wombat hardware consists of one general purpose register, called an accumulator, four special purpose registers, a control unit, an ALU (or Arithmetic Logic Unit), and an internal bus. Associated with the CPU is a memory, and an I/O unit. The instruction set consists of 15 instructions, requiring an opcode of 4 bits, with 12 bits of the 16 bit word remaining for operands. This limits the addressable memory to 212 bytes.

Memory is byte addressable, but all instructions must be word aligned. Furthermore all data access is performed on word aligned boundaries on word sized data.

2.1.1 Registers

The register set consists of the accumulator (ACC) , the instruction register (IR), the program counter (PC), the memory address register (MAR), and the memory data register (MDR). Input and output are accomplished through the input register (inREG) and output register (outREG). All registers are 16 bits wide and are initialized to zero. Each register will be discussed in turn.

The accumulator is only general purpose register available. It is the target for all computations, input and memory loads. The value stored in the accumulator is the left hand source for all arithmetic operations, memory stores and output. The accumulator is initialized to zero. The ACC supports direct transfer to and from the ALU.

The program counter contains the address of the next instruction to be fetched. Initialized to 0, this register supports increment by two.

The instruction register holds the current instruction. This register supports extraction of the opcode or top four (12-15) and, operand or bottom 12 (0-11) bits of a word.

The MAR holds the address for memory access. This is a portion of the memory management unit (MMU). This register can be loaded from either the bus or from the MDR.

The MDR holds data transferred to, or from memory. The MDR can read and write to the bus, but also supports direct transfer to the MAR.

2.2 Other Hardware Components

Wombat’s memory is byte addressable, however all transfers are performed at the word level, on word aligned boundaries. This is a big-endian machine, so bits 8through 11 are stored in the even byte and bits 0 through 7 are stored in the odd byte.

Memory files are stored in a format compatible with version 2.0 of TkGate. In this case, each block of values is proceeded by a block header in the form ”address”. The address is given in hexadecimal. The block header is the only entry on the line. A block of data, in hexadecimal, follows the heading. Data should be words (16 bits) delimited by spaces. A data block ends with a blank line. Figure 2.1 is the compiled version of the example program bigger.

Figure 2.1: Memory File for Program Bigger
3000 2016 3000 2018 6016 a010 1018 b012 1016 4000  
0 0 0

2.3 Register Transfer Notation

Register Transfer Notation (RTN) used for this document employs the following conventions.

2.4 Instruction Set

Table 2.1 instructions are supported in the enhanced wombat instruction set.

MnemonicOpCode OperandOperand BitsRTN

STOP 0 Stop Execution

LOAD 1 address 0 through 11ACC M[address]

STORE 2 address 0 through 11M[address] ACC

READ 3 Input


ADD 5 address 0 through 11ACC ACC + M[address]

SUBTRACT 6 address 0 through 11ACC ACC - M[address]

MULTIPLY 7 address 0 through 11ACC ACC * M[address]

DIVIDE 8 address 0 through 11ACC ACC / M[address]

JMPZ 9 address 0 through 11if (ACC == 0)
   PC address

JMPN A address 0 through 11if (ACC < 0)
   PC address

JMP B address 0 through 11PC address

ADDI Cimmediate 0 through 11ACC ACC + immediate

LOADI D address 0 through 11ACC M[M[address]]

STOREI E address 0 through 11M[M[address]] ACC

Table 2.1: The WOMBAT instruction set

Chapter 3

The assembler is currently in beta version. It has weak syntax error diagnostic reporting.

The assembler is line oriented and only one instruction is permitted per line. All elements are delimited by white space.

The general form of an assembly line are:

[label:] [mnemonic [label | number]] [comment]  
label: .data number number [comment]


Comments begin with either a semicolon (;) or with two slashes (//) and end with the end of the line. As such, a comment must be the last item on a line.

3.2 Numeric Literals (numbers)

The assembler supports signed integer literals in four formats: binary, octal, decimal and hex. Decimal values are the default and are represented as integers. Rules for encoding other values are given in table 3.1

FormatPrefix Example

Binary bx-bx0011001000001001

Octal ox ox1734

Decimal -1234

Hexadecimal hx hx3245

Table 3.1: WAS Number Representation

3.3 Mnemonics

The instruction set is given in table 2.1 with Mnemonics listed in the first column. Mnemonics are case insensitive but must be delimited by white space.

3.4 Labels

Labels are case sensitive, must begin with an alpha character and contain only letters, digits and the underscore. A label must not be a reserved word. Labels can be used in place of any operand. All labels must be resolved in the first pass of the assembler.

In order for a label to be resolved, it must be declared. Labels are declared as an optional first element of a line. A label declaration consists of a legal label followed by a colon. Multiple labels can point to the same address.

3.5 Data

Data is declared with a data line. Such a line must begin with a label, contain the assembly directive .data, a size (in bytes) and a value. The byte size must be even. All words are assigned the same value.

The directive:

foo: .data 6 -1

sets aside three words (6 bytes) at the current memory location. Each word is initialized to -1.

3.6 Invoking the Assembler

The current version of the assembler expects the filename of the source code to be the last argument given. Other arguments are listed in table 3.2.

Flag Arguments


-ooutput file name

The default output file is a.out. This flag will override the default and use the next argument as the output file name.

-v Verbose.

A small amount of diagnostic information is printed when the -v flag is used.

-t Symbol Table.

Print the labels encountered in the program along with addresses.

Table 3.2: WAS Command Line Arguments

Examples of command line use include:

was bigger.a

Assembles bigger.a to produce the executable file a.out.

was -o bigger bigger.a

Assembles bigger.a to produce the executable file bigger.

3.7 Example Code

The following code examples represent the test cases for the was assembler. The source code for these programs in available in the progs directory in the WOMBAT source code tree.

Please note, the text processing package may have wrapped some of the lines in the code listing in this document. Comments extending over multiple lines are not legal in WOMBAT assembly.

; This program will read in two values and print out the bigger 
; read and store the first number 
        store a 
; read and store the second number 
        store b 
; subtract acc = b-a 
; if acc < 0 then a> b, else b>= a 
        subtract a 
        jmpn bigA 
;       b is bigger, so load b for output 
        load b 
        jmp end 
;       a is bigger, so load a for output 
bigA: load a 
;       print the bigger number 
end:   write 
;       exit 
;       storage for the numbers 
a: .data 2 0 
b: .data 2 0
Listing 3.1: bigger.a, code to print the larger of two numbers

This program will read two values from the user and print the larger of the two.

        load zero        ; initialize the LCV 
        store LCV      ; store the LCV 
        subtract maxsize ; if lcv >= MAXSIZE 
        jmpz  END        ; exit the program 
        load LCV       ; tmp = lcv * lcv 
        multiply LCV 
        write            ;  cout << tmp 
        load LCV         ;  lcv ++ 
        addi 1 
        jmp Loop 
END:  stop 
zero:         .data 2 0 
LCV:        .data 2 0 
maxsize:      .data 2 10;
Listing 3.2: power.a, code to compute i2 for i <= 10

A simple looping program to compute i2 for 0 <= i <= 10. This program demonstrates use of a loop control variable (LCV), the addi and jmpz instructions.

; this program will attempt to emulate a random number generator 
        store RNG_seed 
        ; i = 0 
        load zero 
        store i 
        load i 
        subtract max 
        jmpz EXIT 
        ; seed * a + c 
        load RNG_seed 
        multiply RNG_A 
        add RNG_C 
        store RNG_seed 
        ; seed % m  <-> seed - (seed/m)*m 
        divide RNG_M 
        store RNG_TMP 
        load RNG_seed 
        subtract RNG_TMP 
        store RNG_seed 
        // done with RNG 
        load i 
        addi 1 
        store i 
        jmp Loop 
EXIT:  stop 
; data for the main loop 
zero:  .data 2 0 
i:    .data 2 0 
max:  .data 2 10 
; data area for the RNG 
RNG_seed:     .data 2 0 
RNG_A:          .data 2 41 ;(a-1) should be divisable by all prime factors of m 
RNG_C:         .data 2 17 ; c and m should be relatively prime 
RNG_M:         .data 2 100 
RNG_TMP:      .data 2 0
Listing 3.3: random.a, a program to generate 10 random numbers

This program uses the Linear congenital method for random number generation. (Xn+1 (aXn + c)%m). The program asks the user for a seed value and generates ten random values based upon that seed.

; This program will compute the squares of the numbers 0 through 19 
; But it will do it by storing the values in an array and then squaring 
;     each entry into the array 
; It will finish by printing the array 
; initialize the array 
; for(i=0;i<size;i++) { 
;     array[i] = i 
; } 
        load i          ; load lcv 
        subtract size  ; subtract the upper limit 
        jmpz Loop1E    ; branch if the two are equal, (exit loop) 
        load  i      ; load i 
        add    i      ; (2i) 
        addi array    ; compute the effective address (base + 2*i) 
        store  address 
        load i 
        storeiaddress; m[address] = i 
        addi 1      ; i++ 
        store i       ; store the new lcv back to i 
        jmp Loop1 
; Now step through and square all elements in the array 
; for(i=0;i<size;i++) { 
;     array[i] *=  array[i] 
; } 
        load i         ; i = 0 
        subtract i 
        store i 
        load i         ; if i == size 
        subtract size 
        jmpz Loop2E     ; end loop 
        load i      ; address = base + 2*i 
        add  i 
        addi array 
        store address 
        loadi address  ; tmp = m[address] 
        store tmp     ; tmp = tmp * tmp 
        multiply tmp 
        storei address ; m[address] = tmp* tmp 
        load i       ; i++ 
        addi 1 
        store i; 
        jmp Loop2 
; finally, print out the array 
        load i         ; i = 0 
        subtract i 
        store i 
        load i         ; if i == size 
        subtract size 
        jmpz EXIT      ; end loop 
        load i       
        add  i      ; address = base + 2*i 
        addi array 
        store address 
        loadi address  ; 
        load i       ; i++ 
        addi 1 
        store i; 
        jmp Loop3 
// data section 
i:          .data 2 0 
tmp:        .data 2 0 
size:        .data 2 20 
address:       .data 2 0 
array:      .data 40 -1 ; initialize the entire array to be -1
Listing 3.4: SimpleArray.a, a program to demonstrate array access

This program demonstrates array access.

3.8 Error Messages

Chapter 4

There are two version of the simulator. An instruction level based simulator and a microcode level GUI simulation.

The text version of the simulator is called sim. Sim supports the command line arguments listed in table 4.1. The last arugment to sim must be the name of a wombat machine language file.

Flag Arguments


-f Frequency

This flag will cause sim to report the number of times each instruction is executed.

-dDump Memory

A memory dump is performed upon program termination.

-v Verbose

A small amount of diagnostic information is printed when the -v flag is used.

Table 4.1: sim Command Line Arguments