Program Guidelines

These program guidelines were originally written by Professor Zimmer, but I have modified them extensively.
  1. All program files should begin with comment lines that identify the following information:

       Program 1:  Find the Missing Link
       Programmer: Dan Bennett
       Class:  CSCI 000,  Spring 2001 
       Short Description:  This program simulates the evolution of 
            species to find the missing link between ape and man.
            This program ...
       Special Notes:
          *  If you run this program with the -G flag, the program will
    	 simulate the presence of God, and thus no missing link will be
    	 found, man is just created.
          *  This program ...
  2. All functions should begin with comment lines that identify the following information:

       Function: Genesis
               days:    an integer specifying the number  of days
    	   species: an integer specifying the number of different
    	              species to generate
               world:   a two dimensional array of species, empty on 
    	              input, populated on output.
               done:    boolean, true if the creation succeeded, false if
    	              it fails for any reason.
       This function will simulate the creation according to the chapter of 
        Genesis.   It will ....
  3. Identifier names should be meaningful.
         // Acceptable: 
         string  worldArray;
         int numberOfSpecies;
         long currentYear;
         // Poor or unacceptable:
         int a, b;
         string wrdary, foo, bar, foobar;
  4. Identifier names should be consistently formatted:
         // variables
         string worldArray;
         int numberOfSpecies;
         // functions 
         void Genesis(...);
         int GrowTheTrees(...) ;
         // constants
         const long TOTAL_YEARS = 2000000;
         const long MAXIMUM_TIME  = 1000000000;
    In addition, I like to end types with a T, this indicates type.
          class SpeciesT {
          typedef unsigned char  MonthT;
  5. Constants should normally be declared and named. Your program should contain no "magic" numbers.
         const int TOTAL_YEARS = 10000;
    This is a tricky rule, if a number has a meaning, make a name for it. If it does not, don't bother. For example, there is no reason to name a constant for formatting output. The following is definitely useless and, to me, somewhat annoying.
         const int FIVE=5
  6. Use comments within the code wisely. This is also tricky. I would rather have self documenting code, with good identifier names, and fewer but descriptive high-level comments. Not everyone agrees with this, but this is my style.

  7. Use blank lines to make the program easier to read.

  8. Each statement should usually be on a separate line.

  9. All interactive input statements should be preceded by a user friendly prompt.
  10. Proper indention of program structures must be used. If your code is not properly indented, the first thing I will do when you ask me to debug it is make you do this. Often, this is sufficient to find a number of errors.

  11. Code blocks and bracket placement.

  12. Only one entrance and one exit are permitted in the main program, modules, and control structures. If appropriate functions may have multiple return statements to improve readability, but NEVER to replace poor logic. No GOTO statements may be used in the program unless explicitly instructed to do so. Break statements may only be used in switch statements, and continue statements are not permitted.

    I tend to violate this rule somewhat. I prefer this:

        if("cat" == critterType) {
           return 1;
        } else if ("dog" == critterType) {
           return 2;
        } ...
    to this:
        int returnValue;
        returnValue = 0;
        if("cat" == critterType) {
           returnValue = 1;
        } else if ("dog" == critterType) {
           returnValue = 2; 
        } ...
        return returnValue;

  13. The main program and modules should be a maximum of one page (screen) in length. Little or no detail code should exist in the main program.

    Smaller more readable modules are preferred. Never have huge blocks of code repeated.

  14. Duplication of code should be avoided eliminated. If something is done multiple times, write a routine to do it. The following code can be greatly simplified
       cout << "Enter your First Name =>";
       cin >> firstName;
       cout << endl;
       cout << "Enter your Last Name =>";
       cin >> lastName;
       cout << endl;
       cout << "Enter your Middle Name =>";
       cin >> middleName;
       cout << endl;
       cout << "Enter your Title =>";
       cin >> titleName;
       cout << endl;
       cout << "Enter your Nickname =>";
       cin >> nickName;
       cout << endl;
    I would prefer the following:
    This function prompts the user for a string.  It will read the 
    string into a single string variable, clean up the input stream
    and return the value
       The name of the the string the user wants (part of the prompt)
       The string the user typed.  No type checking is performed
    string PromptForString(string prompt) {
       string tmp;
       cout << "Enter your " << prompt << " => ";
       cin >> tmp;
       cout << endl;
       return tmp;
    // ask the user for a bunch of name related information
    firstName = PromptForString("First Name");
    lastName = PromptForString("Last Name");
    middleName = PromptForString("Middle Name");
    title = PromptForString("Title");
    nickName = PromptForString("Nickname")
  15. Functions should be cohesive.

    1. Functions should accomplish a single task.

    2. Functions should either contain low level or high level code. Only rarely a mix of both.

  16. Program specifications will be provided for each program. The specifications may not include all the details about the program. As programmers it is your responsibility to fill in the gaps by asking questions. Do not assume anything! We will discuss program details in class. It is your responsibility to make note of these details and implement your program accordingly.

  17. Unless specified otherwise, you may not uses elemets from the standard template library or the standard container library. Part of the purpose of this class is to understand how to build these items. If you are unsure, please consult your instructor before using an item we have not discussed in class.

Programs will be graded on the following:

Modified 1/20