Homework 3: Dates, Times and Lookups
The goals of this homework are:
- Demonstrate your ablilty to use variaous lookup functions.
- Download this workbook.
- It is a dataset of game projects on kickstarter.
- I have cleaned it up quite a bit.
- I have added two additional
- [5%] Add your name to the about sheet.
- On the Raw Data sheet, add a column between the Launched and the Pledged column
- Label this days
- Compute the number of days in the campaign.
- [5%]Add a column next to your days column
- Label this start time.
- Based on the "launched" column, comput the time the campaign started.
- Format this as hours:minuts am/pm
- [10%]Add a column after the Deadline column
- Label this Start Month
- Compute the month number from the deadline column and store it in this cell.
- Add a new worksheet called Constants
- Build a table on this worksheet to convert month numbers to month names.
- Add a column Month Name next to the Start Month column.
- Use a vlookup function to convert the Start Month into a month name using vlookup.
- [10%]Add a column after goal
- Call this Goal Size
- Add the following table (as two rows) to the constants sheet
- Use a hlookup function (yes, a hlookup) to find the appropriate goal size for the goals in the goal column using the table.
- [15%] Add a column after the currency column
- Call this Currency Name
- Using the data in the Currency table lookup the name of the Currency
- You may not rearrange the columns on the currency workbook.
- [15%] Add a column after the country column.
- Call this Country Name
- Without changing the order of the columns on the Country Codes worksheet, lookup the country name corresponding to the value in the country column.
- Add a new worksheet called Pledges
- All work on this sheet is related to the usd pledged column in raw data.
- [5%] Finding Outliers
- Compute the Q1 and Q3 values for this data.
- Compute the Inter Quartile Range (IQR) Q3-Q1
- Compute a possible limit for outlier : Q3+(IQR)*1.5
- Compute the number of outliers (ie values greater than the limit)
- [15%] Compute a frequency distribution for the USD pledged data.
- There should be 8 evenly spaced bins.
- The low should be 0 and the High should be the High Outer Limit
- There should be a bin for the outliers.
- Frequency will use a bin beyond the last bin to hold the count of everything that does not fit into the last bin.
- [20%] Largest Pledges
- Find the top three pledgeds and the associated project names.
Please upload your final worksheet to the dropbox folder Homework 3 by the due date.