Homework 2: An array of problems.

The goals of this homework are:
Please do the following
  1. Download this document.
  2. [10%] Insert an About tab and maintain appropriate information.
  3. [40%] Create a new tab called Warmup
    1. In cells A1 through B28, use a formula to copy the cells from the Raw Data table.
    2. Just for practice calculate some statistics on the name lengths.
      1. In B32 find the average letter count for all names combined
      2. In B33 find the maximum name length.
      3. In B34 find the minimum name length.
    3. List the three top and three bottom values of calories in D31:E34
    4. Build a table of the five number summary in A36:F47.
      1. Build a list of the attribute names with an array function.
      2. Add the column headings (min ... max)
      3. In the min column, compute the min
      4. Compute the quartiles.
        • Use a single array formula.
      5. Finally, compute the max with a single array function.
    5. [5%] Compute the number of different calorie values
  4. Build a worksheet to compute the nutritional information for an order.
    1. Add a new workstheet called Order
    2. Enter the headings in row 1
    3. Enter the values in columns A and B from the screenshot
      • By entering a row number in column a and a quantity in column B the totals in row 12 and the table to the right should change.
    4. [20%] In C2:K11 add an array formula to look up the values for the item in column a.
        • Array functions can not use logical functions (and, or, ...)
        • Use * for and
    5. [10%] In C12 compute the total (quantity * calories per item) with an array formula
      • A sum
      • With an if (isnumber, computation, 0) inside
      • Copy this to D12:K12
    6. [25%]Finally, using two array formulas construct the chart N2:O10


Email a copy of your final worksheet to dbennett@edinboro.edu class time on the due date.