Additional Notes for the Tutorial
- Existing Components.
- In the dataset I downloaded, there were several items that you build in the tutorial present.
- I deleteded these as I encoungered them
- AI_ThirdPersonCharacter
- AIC_ThirdPersonCharacter
- The navigational mesh.
- Actually, this is not what I did, I created AIC_ME, AI_ME, so my screen shots may be off.
- At the end of Building the Initial Behavior Tree he shows the tree but does not discuss building it.
- It is reasonably straight forward to do this.
- Go to the Behavior Tree section of BT_Enemy_AI
- You should see the root of the bt.
- He wants the Agent to do all of the following things
- Pick a location
- Move to it.
- Sleep for some time.
- Since it is all three, this is a Sequence.
- From the node, left click and drag, selecting Sequence
- Name this Random Wander
- From Random Wonder, drag off and select the new function you just defined (BTT_Find Navigable Location) and select it.
- Do the same with Move To
- I don't konw if this is left over or not, but you might have
to select TargetLocation as the blackboard key for the move to.
- Do the same with Wait
- Play the game, notice that the NPC wonders about the area now.