Homework 1, A Game to Explore.

Short Description:

Read and understand the rules for Tabletop Dungeon

This assignment is worth 10 points.


When you finish this homework, you should have:

Formal Description

Background: The Game

Tabletop Dungeon is a game by Jeff Moore. We will use this game as an underlying specification for several projects in the class. We will also use it to drive our discussion of design.

While the game is marked copyright 2012, I believe that Jeff has given permission to use this game. On his blog Dreams and Dragons he states:

Clicking on an image will download the document. This should be just about everything I've ever done. Some of it is pretty good, and some of it not so much. But, I created it to share, so take what you like and enjoy.
The pdf for the game is partway down the page, but here is a local copy.

This game is Jeff's property. I do not intend this copy for redistribution, but only for reference for students in this class. Please download the game from Jeff's blog above.

The Assignment

Please study the rules for Tabletop Dungeon. It would probably be best to play this through to make sure you understand the rules as written. You need to understand this game to be able to implement it.

Make note of any ambiguity or missing rules. Note places where you don't understand the rules. You need to understand the problem before you begin designing.

  1. Read chapters 4 and 5 in your book.
  2. In a word document, please respond to the following:
    1. What portion of the rules do you need clarified? Is there anything you do not understand?
    2. What ambiguities exist in these rules?
    3. The rules were constructed so that it was easy to play without a lot of bookkeeping. What changes could be made if bookkeeping were not a problem?
    4. What other modifications would you consider adding to this game?
  3. After understanding these rules, please build a table of objects in this game. This is somewhere between Gregorie's subsystems and UML. A start of the table is given below.
    Object Components Functionality Data Structures ActionsPossible Modifications
    Door NoneDoors control the passage between rooms and hallways. As such, they can be Open, Closed or DestroyedAn enumerator describing state
    • Create
    • Open
    • Close
    • Attack
    Add locks, traps, variable strength values, hidden

    Required Files

    A single word document.


    Submit your document to Homework 1 D2L Assignment folder by the due date.