Homework 1:

Short Description:

Investigate operating systems interface standards.

This assignment is worth 10 points.


When you finish this homework, you should

Formal Description

  1. Read chapter 1 of the book.
  2. Summarize section 1.3 Standardization. This should be in the form of an outline, with a paragraph summarizing the entire section at the end. Submit a hard copy of this paper at the beginning of class on the due date.
  3. Read the man page on man pages man man on any system.
    1. What does the command man do?
    2. List the man pages sections available?
    3. Since this is a programming class, what section(s) of the man system are we likely to be consulting.
  4. What do each of the following commands do on cslab100
    1. man mkfifo
    2. man 3 mkfifo
    3. man 3p mkfifo
    4. man -k mkfifo
  5. Acording to the section 3 man page for mkfifo, what other commands are related to this command (See Also portion)
  6. Read the man page relating to conformance for dup on cslab100: man dup
    1. To what standards do each of the dup commands conform.
    2. What does this imply when writing portable code using a dup command?




Type your answers and turn in a print out at the beginning of class on the due date.