WarPeace : a simulation of the Peace War game. This simulation implements the peace war game. This is a game used to study cooperation and aggression. This two player game is played for a fixed number of rounds. Each round each player selects an action, either Peace or War. The player is then rewarded based upon their choice, the other player's choice and a payoff matrix. A typical payoff matrix: PEACE WAR PEACE (2,2) (0,3) WAR (3,0) (1,1) See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peace_war_game for further details. This implementation uses the following command line arguments Set the strategy for each player -p1 n 0 <= n <= 4 -p2 n 0 <= n <= 4 0: aggressor - always declare war 1: peace - always declare peace 2: copy cat - random then do what the other player did last time 3: peace until provoked - peace until war then always war 4: random - select at random --verbose, -v : run in verbose mode --stats, -s: print statistics Player strategies The player is implemented as a hierarchy. To add a new strategy derive a new class from the PlayerT class and implement Move. This takes the action the opposing player employed last round, or NONE for the first round. Make sure that you store the current action in lastAction in the Move function. The constructor for PlayerT takes a "name" or description of the strategy. This string is used to add readability to the output. The function MakePlayer should be updated to include generation of this new player type. To be implemented Additional player strategies --rounds change the number of rounds. Bugs: No known bugs.