Homework 5, Some Structure to a Balloon Hunt.

Short Description:

This assignment is worth 10 points.


When you finish this homework, you should have:

Formal Description

You are going to write a game called Balloon Quest. A game where the player walks around the world and encounters a number of balloons. The player gains points by finding balloons that the like.
  1. Setup
  2. Create a structure PlayerT. This structure should hold
  3. Create a function void ReadPlayer(PlayerT & player);
  4. Write a routine void PrintPlayer(PlayerT player)
  5. We now must handle balloons. Create a balloon structure
  6. Create a routine BalloonT ReadBalloon(ifstream & stream)
  7. Create a routine void PrintBalloon(BalloonT balloon)
  8. Write a routine void GiveBalloon(PlayerT & player, BalloonT balloon)
  9. Write a the main routine

Required Files

A single tar file containing the source code and makefile for this program.

If you have additional information to communicate, please put this in a file called ReadMe.


Submit the word document to the d2l folder Homework 5 by the due date.