Homework 3B, Utility Routines for an Array of Classes.

Short Description:

Develop the utility routines for homework 3.

This assignment is worth 45 points.


When you finish this homework, you should have:

Formal Description

In my design of the project for this program I have decided to build a library of array functions. These functions are detailed in ArrayUtils.h. A copy of this file, and all other supplied files for the project are in ~dbennett/230/hw3. You should begin by copying these files to your directory for the class. Please note that there is a main.o file in this directory for reference. You should link against this file for testing purposes. The implementation is not thoroughly tested and may be updated.

Your assignment is

Implementing functions

In the file ArrayUtils.C (or .cpp if you wish), implement the given functions. If a function is required to produce an error message, you should print that message to standard output.

Implement a test driver.

In the directory is a stub of TestDriver.C. You should use this stub to build a series of tests for your ArrayUtils implementation. Each routine in ArrayUtils must be called at least once in your test driver.

Linking with my main.o

This is done automatically by the supplied makefile. To build main, simply type make main. You should not remove main.o, as you have no way to recreate it. You must do this on a machine with a new g++, it will not link on cslab100 or cslab101.

Some Advice

I would build a stub ArrayUtils.C with each of the functions returning the proper value. After that you should implement the functions one at a time, adding a test driver as you go. Once you are finished, build main.

Required Files

A single tar file containing the source code and makefile for this program. You may include main.o in your final submission if you wish.


Email your tar file as an attachment to dbennett@edinboro.edu. Make sure that the title indicates that this is homework3B and that your name and section are included in the body of the message.